Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bounty Hunter Healing Stats in Star Wars The Old Republic (pre 1.2)

I say pre 1.2 because I read that "they" are going to be changing some of the healing classes but I have not read anything concrete. If Bounty Hunters are changed in any way I will reevaluate and do another write-up.

Aim: 1320 Aim is first but what other starts should I look for?
Aim>power>critical and surge>alacrity

Here is the build I use as a Ops healing Bounty Hunter. 

I also use the same build for Warzones. 
A duel spec is supposed to be available in 1.2 so fingers crossed.

Every bounty hunter website I’ve come across says. “Learn to love aim.”
Its true, you won’t run across any other spec until level 40.

Then you will start to see aim mixed with alacrity, accuracy, endurance, strength and tech power.

I’m a Bounty Hunter Mercenary and you would think I’d want to start stacking alacrity but alas, no. Having lots of it is helpful but you are not going to make casting or channeling faster then the global cool down. So, get your dark or light alignment (or neutral after 1.3) and purchase the relics that have a use on them. I have the two the alacrity on them then I purchased the gear with power, critical and surge.

I have been unable to find a website that tell you what percentage your stats should be at. Here is the gear I have. Most of it is from flashpoints, quests and heroic quest areas.
I have a few pieces from normal mode operations. Most of my gear I received from questing or a few flashpoints.

I healed Eternity Vault and the first two bosses in Karagga's Palace. I will post healer guides to these fights this week.  I healed with a sith sorcerer and it went well. 

Here are my stats with only my Hunter's Boon 5% endurance buff.

Aim 1320
Endurance: 1400

In your character sheet, scroll down to show Tech.
Bonus Healing: 402.2
Critical Change: 30.02
  • Chance that successful technological ability will deal critical damage or perform a critical heals.
Critical Multiplier: 61.90
  • Critical hits or heals increase damage done or health restored by this percentage.
Activation Speed: 10.94
Reduces the time needed to activate or channel abilities so they can be executed more quickly.

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