Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bounty Hunter Healing Stats in Star Wars The Old Republic (pre 1.2)

I say pre 1.2 because I read that "they" are going to be changing some of the healing classes but I have not read anything concrete. If Bounty Hunters are changed in any way I will reevaluate and do another write-up.

Aim: 1320 Aim is first but what other starts should I look for?
Aim>power>critical and surge>alacrity

Here is the build I use as a Ops healing Bounty Hunter. 

I also use the same build for Warzones. 
A duel spec is supposed to be available in 1.2 so fingers crossed.

Every bounty hunter website I’ve come across says. “Learn to love aim.”
Its true, you won’t run across any other spec until level 40.

Then you will start to see aim mixed with alacrity, accuracy, endurance, strength and tech power.

I’m a Bounty Hunter Mercenary and you would think I’d want to start stacking alacrity but alas, no. Having lots of it is helpful but you are not going to make casting or channeling faster then the global cool down. So, get your dark or light alignment (or neutral after 1.3) and purchase the relics that have a use on them. I have the two the alacrity on them then I purchased the gear with power, critical and surge.

I have been unable to find a website that tell you what percentage your stats should be at. Here is the gear I have. Most of it is from flashpoints, quests and heroic quest areas.
I have a few pieces from normal mode operations. Most of my gear I received from questing or a few flashpoints.

I healed Eternity Vault and the first two bosses in Karagga's Palace. I will post healer guides to these fights this week.  I healed with a sith sorcerer and it went well. 

Here are my stats with only my Hunter's Boon 5% endurance buff.

Aim 1320
Endurance: 1400

In your character sheet, scroll down to show Tech.
Bonus Healing: 402.2
Critical Change: 30.02
  • Chance that successful technological ability will deal critical damage or perform a critical heals.
Critical Multiplier: 61.90
  • Critical hits or heals increase damage done or health restored by this percentage.
Activation Speed: 10.94
Reduces the time needed to activate or channel abilities so they can be executed more quickly.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

4 little quarks in ToR that have me slightly annoyed. And badgers.

I think The Old Republic is awesome. I am excited to be excited about a game again. 

I am part of the 62% of ToR players not yet doing end game content. (38% of subscriptions are participating in operations) I am a level 45 Bounty Hunter on the PvP server Rakata Mind Prison. 

think the best thing Bioware can do is whatever that have planned. They have a story to tell through The Old Republic and I think the best thing they can do is not give in to all of our demands. We will spoil it for ourselves. 
We will complain until we get everything we want then complain you are handing us everything. Bioware, listen to us, we don't always what you to fix everything. We just want to know we are being heard.

That being said, here is a list of my demands. (hehe) Do with them what you will.


Here are 4 small quarks that I think need some attention in ToR. 

1. Warzones: Just 5 more seconds Mom! Being kicked out of PVP for being slow. Physically slow that is, there is still no changing the mentally slow for me. I digress. If you listen to me on Button Mashers Podcast, you have heard me mention my getting the boot from several Huttball games. I sometimes have long load screens, I had them in Warcraft too. It's me, you don't have to tell me. I know. 

 When the video for the games pops in I have 3 seconds to run down a 7 second long hallway. Or I make it to the door but the warzone is already in progress and the door is closed. With "You must exit the safe area or you will be removed from the game" flashing in red in the center of the screen. I can't get through the door, I really, really want to. I am standing right there. Open the damn door! I didn't have a chance, I'm halfway down the hall or standing at the closed door and ....loadscreen. 



Why the hell am I at the Hutta $%#@*^! Docking Station, I was questing on Voss! I get it, Huttball is on Hutta but damnit, damnit, damnit. 

Don't worry, I'll just:

take my ship to the Imperial Fleet, 
run to the Bounty Hunter docking bay, 
fly back to Voss shuttle bay, 
take the shuttle down to the planet 
& take a flight point back to the section I was questing in.

 /pant  /pant 
OK, I'm ready. 
Oh look! Warzone que is ready. 

Huttball again. 


2.  The thought of a damage meter in the future. I am torn between the good that can come from a damage meter, it is a useful tool when the user is not being a tool and the bad that is unavoidable. 

I am afraid of damage meters.
And badgers.

I feel that they are quick to judge and are unforgiving. Along with the people who worship them. 
The dps meters, not badgers. 

Why is killing the boss not a good enough result? 
Why is not killing the boss not a good enough validation that your group needs work?
Why is self governing less reliable then a damage meter? 
Why are people less more  not deserving of respect because numbers told you so.

I'm afraid of the "You must have a dps output this much to get an invite to this group". I think it is so much more then that. I fear once the damage meter is implemented, the guy calling you a noob in warzones or the operation group booting you because your damage is 120 below "required" is going to get much much worse. 

Damage meters:
Doing more dps then you > Working together as a team

I had a guildmate in my first WoW guild.  He was a well...

Once the raid leader passed out instructions like, rogue sap star and mage sheep diamond. Ok, go. 
He would step up and do his CC on the mob that he felt he could to better at CCing. Because, lets face it. He was better then everyone else. 

He would whisper people he was standing next to in cities or a pug in a dungeon and say, "Inspect me. My gear is better then yours. If something or another drops. I should get it because I'm better then you." 
And the guild leader would give it to him cause,"He's the best." He had the highest dps, so he stayed in the battle. 

I said, "The best at what? Soloing a 25 man cause that is where he's headed. No one wants to play with him."

I don't want ToR to end up like that.  I don't want the almighty damage meter to praise the high dps and and punish the rest. Having great dps is awesome & praise's to you. You did the work & did the research to be the best. 
Don't let it go to your head. Lead the team with positiveness, be apart of the team.

That guildmate I told you about, he'd have great damage for about 10 seconds. He refused to be cautious of his threat. He'd pull, he'd die, he'd complain loudly about how he was in a nowhere guild, he deserved better. 
Don't be that guy.
Do your best, encourage your teammates to do their best and the bosses will fall. 
And you won't be a...(see above photo)

3. Quest Log.  Bioware, I can't delete some quests in my quest log. It's weird, I don't like it.
Can't you fix that please? I know, I could go back and do the quests to clean them out. 

But....but.....I don't wanna!

4. My 4th complaint is Bioware, you haven't given me a 4th complaint yet. I don't judge harshly, ToR is still in its infancy. There is much greatness to come and I am as excited as a kid on Christmas. 
I won't get everything I want I know that. I also know that if I really really want something I'll still want it next patch and maybe I'll get it then. But Bioware, I will be happy with what you give me. 

Hugs and blaster fire, Moz'nahve

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Speeder, Speeder Bantha Meat Eater!

I hit level 40 on my bounty hunter this weekend. Yay!

I picked the orange and yellow speeder, Lhosan Racer. I bought in on Quesh but it is also available on the Imperial Fleet.

It costs 210,000 credits for training to drive a speeder so save up! Plus another 8,000 credits to purchase the speeder itself. For a full list of speeders and where to find them check out Button Mashers of the Empire write up on them.

I started playing around with my gear around level 35. I noticed I started getting gear with the "special" stats like accuracy, surge, power, alacrity, & crit. As a bounty hunter you want aim, lots and lots of aim. As a healing bounty hunter you want lots of aim and alacrity. Alacrity reduces casting time like haste from World of Warcraft.
I am not sure of a cap on haste yet and many of your casting times are pretty quick anyway. And you have a few instant casts to fill in the cool downs of the bigger heals.

It's more then friendly fire it's Buddy System Bullets!
Now hold still while I shot in your general direction.

Hit them with rapid healing to charge your supercharge gas. It reduces the cool down on healing scan by 100% so you only need to wait for the global cool down.

The best way to see how you heal in a worst scenario situation, try a warzone. They are fast paced with a full eight people and everyone is running everywhere. If you feel you are doing well and can follow the crowds, healing. I think you will do well in a raid like atmosphere.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Level 30 and the End of Chapter 1

I finished the first chapter of my class quest which is The Great Hunt. I am now, Moz'nahve, Champion of the Great Hunt. As if finally being able to kill Tarro Blood wasn't reward enough. A fancy new title!

Though I do prefer my "Homewrecker" title. At the completion of Chapter 1 you get to choose your Legacy name. You can click the box closed if you are not yet sure what you want it to be. It will appear when you log on and reappear with each load screen. 

I choose Doyenne It means: a woman who is the senior member, as in age or rank, of a group,class, profession, etc.

I also got to experience a few new space battles. I am really enjoying the space battles in The Old Republic. If you haven't tried them, give it a shot. You can retry, retry and retry again if you fail. It's no big deal.

I do it all the time. This is how I spend most of my time in ToR. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Don't text and drive, level 25!

You are half way there!

It's speeder time! Her is the one I choose. 
You can buy a speeder from the Republic Fleet. 

But wait...there's more!
I followed my class quest for the Great Hunt to Tatooine and guess what I found!
There is a speeder vendor on Tatooine, right here.

All the speeders are on display so take your time and window shop. You learn how to ride a speeder from your class trainer and it costs 40,000 credits and the actual speeder costs 8,000 credits. So save up!

A look at my talent tree so far.

The last five levels went rather smoothly. Mako's story line is getting pretty interesting. I won't give any spoilers away but I can't wait to see how it unfolds. 

The only interesting healing ability I acquired was:


Cleanses a friendly target of up to two negative tech or physical effects.

Once you have The Cure..(hehe)

It's pretty handy when your party members are on fire. Keep an eye on your party member debuffs. You're doing great!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Space Battle: Saleucami Fleet Action

This is me! I'm on Rakata Mind Prison

You really need to purchase level 1 ships armor if you haven't already. 
For more space battle information, see my post on. 

Saleucami Fleet Action

Your mission objectives here are to:
Destroy five elite fighters
Eliminate BT-7 Thunderclap

Destroy 50 ships and turrets

The elite fighter will have a yellow circle around them and a star on top. You will see a photo of them in the video.

When you start the battle you will have to maneuver two big asteroids. Fro the first one stay to the lower left side if you screen. For the next asteroid quickly move your ship to the upper right side of the screen. It looks close but you will clear it just fine.

To kill the Elite Fighters:
You need to hit them with the missiles (right click)

To kill BT-7 Thundercap:
If you play with sound, you will here Mako say,"That's the leader, take him!" If you don't play with sound, he is easy to spot. He will enter from stage right and will have a entourage all around him. He is also the only ship with a red life-bar.

To destroy 50 ships and turrets:
Shoot like the wind
I found it easier to aim at the ships flying past me as apposed to the ones flying at me. Lag maybe but I couldn't get them fast enough.
Shoot the ships or the larger ships turrets. They are red circles all around the ships.

Your shields will not regenerate if you are firing so don't constantly press the button.
Only use your mouse for the space battles.

  • right mouse button for missiles
  • left mouse button for blaster bolts

Don't forget to ..


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nar Sharddaa: Cartel Listening Station Guide

Nar Sharddaa: Cartel Listening Station
What to Expect in  Battle

You are in your ship and the game takes you on a pre-determined path but you do have to steer clear of the containers and other ships.

To fire upon enemy ships press the left mouse button for single shots and the right mouse button to fire the missiles. You only have so many missiles so shot wisely. Your protective shield regenerates when you are not firing so don’t fire constantly when there are no ships in front of you. Pressing the space bar makes you barrel roll and that will help dodge enemy fire from cruisers heading towards you and gunners on the ships.

Here is a video of the entire fight. It is not my video I found it on He does make the fight look much easier then it was, who knows this could be his 15th try.

You will fail the mission if you:

  • Run out of time
  • Run out of health
  • Do not complete the mission in the allotted time

To complete the mission you need to:

  • Destroy 12 station turrets
  • Destroy 2 station shield generators
  • Destroy 3 station hangars
  • Destroy 3 station antennae

Bonus Objectives:
  • Destroy 60 enemy fighters

You receive bonus experience if you get this but it does not count against you if you don’t get it.

You can shot the enemy ships with the phasers (left click) and hit the shield generators, hangars and antennae with your missiles (right click). You will fly over the station several times so don’t worry if you miss.

Also, I thought this was difficult when I first tried it without upgrades. After I purchased shielding, extra missiles and all the other level 1 upgrades for my ship it was much easier. To buy all of them it will cost about 7500 credits. It is well worth is as the space battle went quite a lot smoother. So I recommend it. You can buy upgrades in any main city, turn on your vendor search on your M-map and look for “ship vendor”. He is usually located near the docks.

If you don’t complete it on the first try you can try again as many times at it takes. I did it several times before I managed to complete it. I had a blast doing this mission. Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew – shooting rebel scum is F.U.N.!

I have been hearing a lot of negative reviews about the space missions that it is a "tube shooter" meaning you can not fly anywhere you wish. I can see this being something players want and I can see BioWare implementing it in the future. For now, having the ship follow a set path helps me familiarize myself with the controls and my environment. 

What did you think of the first battle? Has the space fighting lived up to your expectations?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Standardized Questing (Levels 16-20)

Things got interesting at level 16 because my trainer gave me Healing scan. Woot! 
Three healing spells….what?!
Now I have a rotation….kind of.

I activate Combat support cylinder   (Bam!)
Then I use Rapid Shots.   (pew  pew  pew, it’s friendly fire!)
Shoot with rapid shots until it stacks to 30.
(Every click of Rapid Shots gives you 3 stacks. Press it 10 times & you will have 30 stacks.) 

It's Math!

Then press Supercharges Gas. This will increase your healing by 10% AND reduce your Healing Scan cool down by 100% (You still have to abide by the global cool down.)

That is a 12 second cool down that is GONE but this event only lasts 10 seconds so spam spam spam those heals & get everyone’s health caught up.

Once the 10 seconds are up you start back up with the Rapid Shots to build back up to 30 again. If you know a big pull or a big fight is coming up, don’t be afraid to let that 30 stack sit there. It has a 60 second countdown until it disappears. 

You can shot an ally to keep it stacked if you have to wait or stop and cast some larger heals. The stack won’t disappear on you until it counts down to 0.

At level 20 I got Kolto Missile through the talent tree. Here is what my tree looks like.

Kolto Missile (talent tree, min level 20)
Heals up to 3 allies within 8 meters of the targeted area for  478 - 542  health.
Heat: 16
Cast: Instant

You get your ship around level 18. With it come another companion, 2V-R8. 
Congratulations! It's a droid.

He's kind of a bonehead, his shooting skills are a bit...we'll let's say he trained at the Stormtrooper Academy.  I leave him on the ship & send him out on crew skill missions. Mako is still my main BFF,. (Best Fighting Friend)


  • Shooting your friend with healing bullets is awesome
  • Got a new heal Kolto  Missile, it's an AoE heal
  • 2V-R8 becomes your new servant
  • placed 2 talent points in Critical Reaction
  • Placed 2 talent points in Empowered Scan
  • Placed 1 talent point in Kolto Missile
  • You got your ship, it's pretty neat.

4 little perks in Star Wars The Old Republic that have me sighing with relief.

 So sorry, I need my space.

Inventory, Bag Space, Bank, Cargo, Vault or whatever you call it, in an MMO’s it is prime real estate.  I have agonized over selling or deleting items from my bags because I just didn’t have the room to hold onto them. The developers at Bioware seem to have really grasped the importance of this. There are separate sections for:
  • Currency
  • Mission or quest items,
  • Your satchel that you carry with you
  • Cargos hold on your ship that you can access in any major city.
  • Guild banks haven’t been implemented yet but I hear “soon”
 I am positively giddy when I realized mission items went into a different tab and were not taking up bag space in my normal bag. When I need to collect 20 of those and 5 of those and 4 of those, I still have space left in my bag for my gathering and normal looting.

Buddies, pals, friends, comrades, Sidekicks

Companions are amazing. I currently have 2; I am a level 20 and have not acquired my third companion yet. I am excited about the possibilities. My character is a Chiss Bounty Hunter; her first companion is Mako. She is similar to a smuggler; she knows her way around a pistol and will heal you and any party members within range. She is also the main co-host to your storyline.
I have 2V-R8 also, he is a droid and a bit over zealous at his job. He’s not much of a fighter so I keep him on the ship to run errands and keep the place clean. 
Mako’s not much of a pick up after herself kind of girl. Having Mako help me is fun. Have you ever been hanging around in a video game with two of you friends wanting to run an instance or a flashpoint? Just say no to PuGs (Pick up Groups), summon a companion and go. I’ve played with some random people where I though an AI could do a hell of a lot better then this guy.
Also, If you are out in the middle of an area completing missions and that dreaded red text appears on your screen. “Inventory is full” Ugh, in many other games it meant walking to the nearest town or outpost, finding a vendor then heading back into the trenches. A frustrating situation for a beginning level player who finds everything she has killed is back and she must start over. But! Not anymore, your first companion joins your team about level 8 and they have a sell gray items option. They will take all the gray items in your bag & vendor them for you. How nice you are, thank you.

An overflow of good converts to bad. - William Shakespeare
You can be bad.  Not, my side thinks you’re wrong and your side thinks I’m a traitor.   I mean really, really bad. I’m a nice person in real life. Sometimes I get upset or angry but mostly I just want to talk about the problem we are having. You tell me what you want, I’ll tell you what I want and we can start compromising from there.
I follow the rules of the society I live in. I don’t speed, I do my job to the best of my ability, I don’t steal and I always pay my taxes. My mother taught me well.  At the end of the day, I look forward to shooting a Republic Commander in the face, just because he was there. I yearn to break all the rules I know I’m not supposed to break. Breaking the rules in a virtual setting can be a therapeutic stress relief for a person. 

Delegating - I don’t want to, so you have to.
Crafting in Star Wars has evolved into a situation I never thought possible.
I have three crafting skills. A main skill where I make something like medical packs, armor, or weaponry and two gathering skills.
The crazy thing is, I don’t have to do any of them. I delegate to my eager crew who stands at the ready to hunt some biological samples, scavenge scrap metal or do some underworld trading on my behalf. 

I am looking forward to finding more and more aspects of The Old Republic to talk about. What is your favorite?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Trust Me, I'm a Doctor. (Levels 1-15)

Star Wars The Old Republic has been live for 30 days today.
Have you picked a class you like best?
I've played a Smuggler, Consular & Bounty Hunter.

I am writing this blog to share my journey as a Bounty Hunter Mercenary healer. Not everything I do or try to do will be perfect. 
I'm a work in progress. 

Here are the main heal-y skills you will acquire by level 15. I don't do too much healing right now, even in flashpoints or groups. I watch heathpoints to get into the practice of it but I am mostly shooting the heck out of rebel scum.

Combat Support Cylinder (level 14)
While active, Rapid Shots charges your powercell with each use.
Charges increase all damage and healing dealt, up to a maximum of 3% at 30 charges.
In addition, targeting an ally with Rapid Shots will heal the target for 100% of your tech bonus healing.
Only one cylinder can be active at a time.
Cast: 1.5 seconds

Rapid Scan (level 1)
Heals an ally
Uses 25 heat
Cast: 2.5 seconds
That can be reduced to 2 seconds the 2/2 in Med Tech in your talent tree

Supercharged Gas (level 15) is going to be a very valuable button. 
Increasing all damage and healing dealt by 10% for 10 seconds.
Healing Scan: Cooldown reduced by 100%
Cast: Instant
Cooldown: 1 second

Activate Combat Support Cylinder + Rapid Scan + Supercharged Gas when things get scary, it’s a great boost but the buff only lasts for 10 seconds though you can press it again soon.

What fun, I am starting to feel like a healer class now instead of a damage class.
I put talent points in 2/2 Med Pack & 3/3 Hired Muscle. I looked at a few talent trees but I haven’t really studied them. I like to learn as I go. No sense worrying about where you are going to put your 38th talent point at level 15.

When you receive new gear Aim is what you want the most of right now. It will be several levels before you start seeing gear with secondary stats on it.

I play on a PvP server so my talent tree will be a bit different then a PvE server. I’ll be putting talent points into self-preservation as well. At least until duel trees are available or switching trees is an option. I will note the differences and include them in the summary.

Don't forget about Mako, you will get her around level 8. She's a great gunfighter and she will heal you and any party member's within range.  She likes credits, if you answer story questions with. "I'll do it for credits." You gain affection most of the time. 

As a sith, I planned on being bad, deliciously bad. But alas, Mako does not like it when I shot first then kick the answers out of them.

Damn it, she makes me be nice and I dislike her for it. Maybe she should give ME an affection gift. Like candy or something shiny. Oh oh, or a blaster!


  • Aim is the only stat you need at this time
  • Use Combat Support Cylinder as often as you can
  • Rapid Scan is the only healing spell you have right now
  • Supercharged Gas for that extra large heal when you really need it
  • 2 talent points in Med Tech
  • 3 talent points in Hired Muscle
  • Uh Oh - Better Get Mako

Be Careful out there and try not to stand in any fire.